Thursday, September 15, 2011


After a stunning 35-7 defeat in week 1 at M&T-Bagger Stadium in Baltimore, many in Steeler Nation were about to self-immolate in a desperate display of angst over the future of our beloved black-and-gold.

Without a doubt, there is plenty to worry about.  Willie Colon is gone for the year and will be replaced by a rookie at right tackle.  Instead of celebrating the fact that the greatest safety of all time (and last year's NFL Defensive Player of the Year) will be a Steeler for life, we were fretting over whether or not the Steeler defense is too old, too slow, and overpaid.

                                             Polamalu, Troy Polamalu

'Gene, Gene the Dancing Machine' Mendenhall had another costly fumble; Big Ben was giving balls away to Ravens like they were kids at an authograph show; and the Steelers coaching staff couldn't seem to make the right adjustments (or any adjustments) on either side of the ball.  Okay, are we done crying now?

Now comes the Seattle Seahawks, who know more than a little bit about crying after their loss to the Pittsburgh in Super Bowl XL.

However, that group of whiners has dispersed since Super Bowl XL, and the current cast of Seahawks  do not have the blood lust for revenge that Baltimore brandished last week.  Playing in Pittsburgh should an advantage for the Steelers (Renegade anyone?).

I'll take the Steelers by 31-20, and predict vodka-soaked cherries, f-bombs and Renegade galore.  Here we go Steelers!

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