Monday, September 12, 2011


The Steelers' season is over?  Over?  Nothing is over until we decide it is!  Was it over when Tommy Maddox was knocked out in week 2 of the 2004 season at Baltimore?  Was it over when The Bus fumbled on the freaking goal line in Indianapolis in 2005?  Was it over when Larry Fitzgerald scored in Super Bowl XLIII to put Arizona ahead? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?  No!  And it ain't over now, because when the going gets tough . . . . oh, hell, things are always tough for Pittsburgh -- we should be used to this by now.

What the f@ck happened to the Steeler Nation I used to know?  Where's the spirit, the liquid courage . . . the Iron City?

Seriously, Steeler Nation should not be throwing in their Terrible Towels after one lousy game . . . and yes, it was a lousy one.  Ben sucked, the offensive line sucked, the running backs sucked, the wide receivers sucked, the defense sucked, and the coaching sucked.  But that doesn't mean Steeler Nation has to suck too.

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